Saturday, August 23, 2008

Know Your Purpose

Webster’s defines purpose as "an intention; something set up as
an object or end to be attained." It is easy to confuse a purpose with a goal. A goal is an objective; it answers the question "what", as in, "What do you want to achieve?" Most people have goals. Common goals are to get a promotion, to own a home, to have a successful marriage, or to make a certain amount of money. Goals can help create results, but often they don't bring fulfillment. You have probably noticed that the excitement of achieving a goal is usually short-lived.

I am speaking of something much larger than goals. The way I use the word "purpose", it helps address the big questions, such as, "What am I meant to do?" Or, "Why am I here?" It adds a "why" component to the "what" of an objective. I am talking here about nothing less than your purpose in life. This kind of big picture thinking is seen by some as purely philosophical or frivolous, but it is anything but. Answering these questions is the surest key to long-term success.

The good news about purpose is that every one of us has one. The bad news is that it is usually buried deep within you, so it is difficult for most people to do anything but speculate about it. Fortunately, there are a variety of methods for uncovering and clarifying your purpose. My e-book "Purpose Hunting" describes the method that works for the most people.

The next few issues will go into more detail about where our purpose is "stored" in us, and what prevents us from knowing it directly. Stay tuned!

Copyright © 2003-2008 Timothy A. Kelley. All rights reserved. “Know Your Purpose” and “Purpose Hunting” are trademarks of Timothy A. Kelley


Tuesday, August 5, 2008