Saturday, May 1, 2010

Behind The Scenes

The camera was on, meanwhile the computer was trippin', the phone was ringing, a relative came by for counseling, unannounced of course, the instant messenger was pinging. Oh and by the way, this was all during the time that I was doing a livestream recording. Anxiety was on the rise, bigtime.

Have you ever had seasons in your life when it seemed that nothing was going right? A time when you took one step forward and it felt as though life itself pushed two steps backwards? Were there circumsances, distractions, temptations and everything beyond your control that could have happened appearing to have been happening? I call these the 46:10 experiences.

Encounters like these are examples of the perfect times and opportunities to be still and know that God is God. (Psalms 46:10). Your thoughts are racing, your palms are sweaty, your heart is panting, your feet pacing the floor. STOP! TAKE CONTROL! RELAX! GOD IS AT WORK! Though you may not see him, though you may not feel him, though it may seem that he is not visible in your personal situation, just know that God is working things out behind the scenes. The eye may not yet see it nor the mind comprehend it but know he is working. Websters defines know as: to have a clear perception or understanding of; to be sure of or well informed about to know the facts.

You may wonder how can you know something that you can't see or comprehend, well it's very simple. We don't see gravity or electricity but we well know it is there working on our behalf. We know gravity and/or electricity by its nature and by the demonstration of its repetitive characteristics. Thru the test of time, we watch its patterns of behavior in order to understand the historical nature of these forces.

We've all experienced gravity within its natural force attracting or pulling one particle towards another. We've experienced electricity occuring when there is friction between two opposing forces (protons and electrons) with its transferring of charge taking place. Over and over it's true natural pattern has not changed nor deviated from what it is or what it was created to do.

As we be still and know God, we will witness him repeatedly in the same manner work out all the things we do not understand nor have the power to control. We will notice his repetitious ability to come thru in ways far beyond what we can imagine. He has not changed nor has his true nature changed. In the same manner, opposing forces may be at work in our personal, spiritual, business lives, but the transfer of charge is taking place and in the end God always win.

He will always pull what is rightfully ours toward us. It's his nature to want and do what's best for us according to his divine will and plan for our lives. The more we experience God, the more we will began to trust him to handle what we cannot see. Our focus will shift from worrying to knowing. It will become clear to us how we tend to look for him from the outside to the inside while he is at work from the inside to the outside.

Relax, breathe and allow God to handle all the technicalities behind the scenes in your life. In the longrun you will see and enjoy the big picture when the work is completed and find that it was well worth the wait.